Ralph E. Jones, Inc

Ralph E. Jones, Inc Receives CREST Award for Painting & Wallcovering: 25,001-50,000 hours category in 2021

We’ve honored to receive the CREST Award in the Painting & Wallcovering for 25,001-50,000 hours worked in 2021. That makes us the safest North-American contractor in this category!

According to FCA International, the Contractors Recognizing Excellence in Safety Training (CREST) Awards was created to provide international recognition to contractors who maintain effective safety programs. CREST Winners and Top Finishers are internationally-recognized for their commitment to safety excellence.

REJ received this award in 2019 and placed in the top 3 contractors for this category in 2020. We are truly delighted and honored to win this award for 2021 and will continue to put safety first in all aspects of our work.
