Ralph E. Jones, Inc

Property Owners love to work with Ralph E Jones

Property Owners love to work with Ralph E Jones Inc.

Property Owners have unique needs and their relationship with Ralph E Jones makes life easier because they know that REJ ‘has their back’.

Pricing that is fair and consistent

Relationships are key to getting things done quickly and done right. REJ is able to strike the balance so the Property Owner is not spending time hiring painters every time there is a need. They know they can call REJ and be treated right.

Resources to Handle any deadline
Property Owners have to be able to respond to changing situations.. They care about scheduling and turnaround times because time in money in their world. REJ is not ‘2 guys and a truck’. We have resources to handle just about any job.

Professionalism on the job

When a property Owner brings in a contractor performance matters. Customers know can trust REJ’s team to be professional in any situation.

Safety training

Avoiding problems is one key objective of the safety training everyone at REJ gets on a regular basis. Accidents are costly in so many different ways. That is not something that any property Owner wants to be forced to deal with.


Return on Investment matters to property owners. Getting a cheap paint job is probably not a great investment. Ralph E Jones can help to manage your wallcovering investment to get the best possible return.