A corporate social change occurred in the second half of 2018. Our CEO began to find added value in moving from a pure profit perspective to the PPP (People, Planet, Profit) perspective. 2019 began our concerted effort to concentrate on all three P’s. We strive to change, improve, and make better the communities in which we work and live.
In 2019, we:
• Gave away paint to an African gentleman who sends it out of country (to Africa)
• Left paint for customers at job sites
• Recycled glass, aluminum, plastic, cardboard, and paper for all office staff
In 2020:
REJ donated a painting project to Leadership Harrisburg Area (LHA) for their training rooms. We added a surprise for LHA -the installation of a dry erase wall. Una Martone, President of LHA, was thrilled with the gift of having her office walls painted. Her staff added quotes and colorful photos to the newly painted training room walls to enhance creativity among training class participants. It was a privilege for REJ to partner with an outstanding nonprofit and grant their wish.
We continuously strive to diversify the work force. We want to add racial diversity, which has been difficult due to few applicants of color. Age diversity in 2020 was good. While only 4% of the workforce was under age 24 or younger, 44% was age 50 and above.
REJ prefers to work with local independently owned vendors, with emphasis on women and minority ownership. For 2020, REJ used 46% of our vendor spend with local independent owned businesses. Of this 46%, 6% was spent with women owned businesses.
According to https://geomap.ffiec.gov/FFIECGeocMap/GeocodeMapl.aspx our entire workforce is in moderate-middle income areas, located in the 3 counties surrounding our office (Dauphin, Cumberland, Lebanon). Through an in-depth analysis, we ascertained that 100% of our employees were paid a living wage in 2020.
We encourage employees to give back to the community through both company-sponsored
events and service projects on our employees’ own personal time. We have set annual goals for employee volunteer hours. Our 2020 goal for employee volunteer hours was 200 hours of service to the community; we ended the year with 238.25 volunteer service hours.
Painters with Ralph E. Jones Inc. wanted to do something to help veterans. In May 2019, our employees completed a weekend service project to rehab a local V.F.W. (V.F.W. Post 1718, Harrisburg). The V.F.W. post commander told the painters that the outside of the building had not been painted in decades, so a large group of painters donated their time, on a Saturday, to paint it. The company paid for all materials and equipment. Ralph E. Jones, Inc. was chosen as a WHTM-TV Hometown Hero for this service project. Ralph E. Jones, Inc. seeks to perform quarterly service projects for community organizations, especially those that support veterans.
Ralph E. Jones, Inc. shows the company’s commitment to social responsibility through philanthropy. We contribute time, talent and resources, on a continuing basis, to local charities to assist with their daily operations. Ralph E. Jones, Inc. provides time and resources for painting projects to help local non-profit organizations. Examples of recent facility improvement projects include Harrisburg Area YMCA, Harrisburg Boys & Girls Club, and Beacon Health Clinic. Ralph E. Jones, Inc. is known and respected in our community for its philanthropic endeavors.
Employee and Vendor engagement are areas for focus moving forward. This has been challenging considering COVID-19 restrictions and protocols. In 2022, REJ would like to see improved response rates for our surveys.
Planet considerations included a changeover to a “green clean” workplace. We changed to green products to clean our offices and required our outside cleaning company to use those products.
Social and environmental company performance is demonstrated through 2020 commitments to:
- Recycle office staff recyclables
- Use 100% green cleaning products
- End use of disposable dishes and utensils
- Shred and recycle office paper
- Reduce postage use
Ralph E. Jones, Inc. is proud of a 97% local customer base KPI. We track social and environmental key performance indicators (KPls) to determine if we are meeting objectives and accept the commitment to continuously seek to improve our KPls and to report the information through our social media channels. A copy of our latest KPI document follows this report.