Ralph E. Jones, Inc

IFMA Central PA September Program: Sustainability September – “Vegetated Roofing Systems”

IFMA’s Central PA chapter scheduled their next meeting for September 20th, 2017 11:30am – 2:00pm to cover the history, purpose, and benefits of vegetative roofing systems. The meeting will be held at Carlisle Construction Technical Center (Carlisle Construction Materials) 1555 Rittner Highway, Carlisle PA.

Join us at 11:30 for some networking followed by the one-hour session and lunch. The session will include a comprehensive overview about the considerations of vegetative roofing systems as well detailed information regarding their components and assembly.

Registration is requested for this event to provide necessary lunch and room preparations by September 15th.

For more program details and to register, please visit IFMA Central PA chapter’s website: http://ifmacentralpa.org/events/sustainability-september-vegetated-roofing-systems-carlisle-cons/